[Salon] Fwd: DeSantis defunds diversity and inclusion programs at Florida colleges - The Washington Post

I had some files attached to this which were relevant to the text, so resending this and hopefully they go through this time. But since I’m at it, let me do a slight edit to this sentence: 

Which is fully evident from a comparative political theory analysis of McCarthyism, beyond just the stereotype, to include what was “sold” as Conservatism in the magazine they founded, National Review, compared to Mussolini’s “Doctrine of Fascism.” Which one can see with even a degree of intelligence, which may exclude some from seeing that. To avoid offending anyone here, I will refrain from using the term “fascism,” and instead substitute, McCarthyism, as an all-inclusive equivalent term. Bearing in mind that the worst that our “foreign fascist enemies” had done, in the way of mass slaughter, was what was promoted by our “McCarthyites” as U.S. foreign policy, as against the USSR, “Red China,” North Vietnam, Indonesia, Iran, et al.

Which is not to denounce those “principled” anti-communists, who weren’t blind to communism’s crimes, aggressions, and threats. But is to denounce those (capital-C) Conservatives as the Founders of the Conservative Movement, coming out of the CIA, and McCarthyism. 

Adding one more file to possibly be stripped off, there was one (small-c) conservative, Peter Viereck, who would fully agree with me on my denunciations of what he called (correctly), “anti-traditional, rootless revolutionaries of Europe’s authoritarian right-wing,” meaning the McCarthyites of National Review:

Attachment: The Philosophical New Conservatism (1962).pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Begin forwarded message:

From: Todd Pierce <todd.e.pierce@icloud.com>
Subject: DeSantis defunds diversity and inclusion programs at Florida colleges - The Washington Post
Date: May 16, 2023 at 12:51:18 PM CDT
To: SALON Admin <salon@committeefortherepublic.org>

The thunderous collective cheers of the National (Nazionale) Conservatives, all the way from London where they are currently conspiring against the world in general, and the US Constitution in particular, could be heard way back here in MN on this news that “actual” African American history, as well as the teaching of any history which diverges in the least from the myth of American Exceptionalism will henceforth be Verboten (using Peter Thiel’s, and Carl Schmitt’s, native language) in Florida under DeSantis. With such exultation emanating way beyond the self-identified NaziCons (they’re meeting close to their "Nazionale Conservative,” fascist partner in Italy, so it's permissible, I presume, to use NaziCon as their preferred diminutive while in proximity to their romance language fellow “nazionales"), to the entire Right; "American Conservatives."

All have adopted “Wokeism” (not saying there isn’t some “legitimate” criticism of such, as it’s sometimes presented) as the contemporary equivalent and target for how “Liberalism” was targeted and attacked, in the 1950s by Joe McCarthy, “and his “Friends.” Though taking advantage of the guise of “anti-communism” (Willmoore Kendall admitted his primary target was “Liberals”), to present themselves as mere "anti-communists,” to conceal the ideological similarity they had with the fascists whom we’d just defeated. Which is fully evident from a comparative political theory analysis of McCarthyism, beyond just the stereotype, and what would be “sold” in the magazine they founded, National Review. 

The founders of which were also who wrote the apologia for him as attached. Also who created the “political theory” underlying what was in fact the ideology of McCarthyism, though not developed by him, but by his “Friends,” as “related" to the ideology of Italy, Japan, and Germany. Don’t take my word for it; do your own comparative analysis of it, but recognize that all 4, have their “common roots” to Machiavalli and Hobbes, with Alexander Hamilton singularly responsible through his Federalist Papers of importing such 
rai·son d’é·tat ideology into the founding of the U.S., on top of it already being prevalent from our “birth” as an English Imperial Colony. Rechristened the “Conservative Movement” under the guiding hand of these same right-wing ideologues who went on from the CIA to founding National Review magazine (pardon my repetitious refrain but its for the benefit of latecomers to understanding the ideological development of Trumpism/DeSantism, collectively, the “new," New Right, of a line of “New Rights, each worse than its predecessor but building upon each of them, as “daisy-chained” down to the present). 

So instead of being allowed a freedom of open inquiry under DeSantis, and a “right to know,” we’re subjected to an identical doctrine as what was celebrated as “McCarthy's Call to Conformity,” by Brent Bozell, Bill Buckley, and the Yale Professor and CIA officer who collaborated with them, as verified by his biographer (as a “positive”). Read it yourself, including their attack upon George Marshall (who shouldn’t be above criticism), which helps to understand their ultra-militaristic way of "seeing the world."

Attachment: McCarthyism's Call to Conformity.pdf
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Attachment: The George Marshall Episode.pdf
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As I’ve written in the past, and being even more critical of Leo Strauss, as he being a “fascist,” than his similar thinking Conservative critics are, and adding a “need” to understand how expansive that “Straussian network” is, and was from even before McCarthy and the aforementioned ideologues created “McCarthyism,” it is necessary to analyze Straussianism correctly, and to know its “network,” to know the “New Right” of today, and their tactics. Begin with my old friend Larry Arnn, now President of Hillsdale College, with is so close collaboratively now to The American Conservative magazine and its current editors (hint: Claremont Fellow=Straussian, as the same with Hillsdale College)

BLUF: "Last May, Florida education commissioner Richard Corcoran, a close aide to Gov. Ron DeSantis, told a Hillsdale audience, "The war will be won in education. If we can get education right — we can have kids be literate and then understand what it means to be a self-governing citizen in a self-governing country — we'll win it back." 
. . . 

In a September speech in Tennessee (recently removed from the internet), Arnn went a step further. In answer to an attendee concerned — in a month marred by ugly nationwide school board fights — that America might not "make it," Arnn counseled, "Go home and read some Winston Churchill." Arnn also believed that the country was facing "the greatest danger I've ever seen in my life," but said distressed conservatives should embrace the cold comfort of Churchill's wartime motto, imagining the house-to-house fighting that might follow a Nazi invasion of Britain: "You can always take one with you." 

"Now that's Sparta talk," Arnn said. As though anticipating Donald Trump's call last weekend for conservatives to "lay down their very lives" to fight critical race theory, Arnn continued, "We don't know what our last reserves are; we may be about to find out. But let's say they're insufficient. It is glorious and honorable to give oneself to a beautiful and losing cause. But it is very wrong to think it's going to lose.”

Where might he have gotten that celebration of “Sparta talk,” the very model of a proto-fascist state, from? Check out Leo Strauss, in the U.S. after his lamentations that his Jewishness excluded him from the Nazi state, but “making do” on his arrival by immediately subverting U.S. Constitutionalism, and our system of “Representative Democracy,” with what he and Willmoore Kendall would celebrate as “Secret Writing,” fully evident in the attached file celebrating Sparta. His method of subverting our system by referring back to a political theorist or system that allowed him to “normalize” their incipient fascist outlook, as a means of “changing the culture.” A method of subversion the fascists had before Gramsci would introduce it into his theory of Marxism, which he presumably “borrowed” from Mussolina and Fascist Doctrine. 

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Compare what DeSantis, Arnn, Trump, and Conservatives in general (no need to categorize them, they all think alike, on issues like this, and in their promotion of historical revisionism), promote as opposition to “Wokeism,” with what a “real” historian, Bill Polk, wrote on U.S. history, which necessarily took note of there being “other people” in the U.S. Both as displaced peoples, and as originating as imported slaves, with all the infirmities which come with being “second” or “third” class citizens for so long. To include the Mexicans we “acquired” by “Conquest,” by the Texans, and then the U.S., with the Mexican-American War, more properly called the U.S. War of Aggression on Mexico. Writing this isn’t to say it must all be “undone,” but it all goes to showing the true nature of the U.S. today, and how that path of aggressive wars may have made many Americans prosperous (not all), but as has been daisy-chained down to the present, is now bi-partisan foreign policy doctrine. It can truthfully be said, the “Conservatives Won.” So “We’re all McCarthyites Now.” With all that now taking us to an inevitable collapse, at “home,” Constitutionally, and from our wars abroad, our inevitable economic suicide, if not eventually, outright military defeat, from an unsustainable “Perpetual War” as U.S. National Policy, with our attempt at Conquest of the Eurasian Land-Mass, Russia, China, and Iran, likely to prove to be our “Stalingrad.” however we may get there, but very likely by a nuclear cataclysm, as possible of being set off by ourselves, as any other country. As the “McCarthyites” strove so hard for. 

Attachment: Polk-Introduction-Revising the American past.pdf
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Attachment: Notes.pdf
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But with all respect to Bill Polk, even his history is slightly flawed as it doesn’t take sufficient notice of the rapacious appetite the original English settlers had, and more specifically, the Plymouth Company and the Massachusetts Bay Company, each of whom had been granted a Charter by the English Monarch to “colonize” 

Not is the “rest of the Thanksgiving story” one of the “Peace and Brotherhood” myth we are fed as pablum from our birth, down to our death, as the Pilgrims enter our “first war” as allies of one indigenous group, versus another:

This might explain why the Mayflower Compact was elevated into a “Basic Symbol” of America by a former Oklahoman-born CIA officer/Yale Professor:
"The Pilgrims were never granted a royal charter; their government was based on the Mayflower Compact. The compact was hardly democratic, since it called for rule by the elite, but it established an elective system and a basis for limited consent of the governed as the source of authority.” 

A “limited” elective system, as well as "limited consent of the governed,” remaining as an “ideal” of Conservativism, as is so well documented with today’s “Conservatives,” it hardly bears pointing that out.  

DeSantis signs bill to defund DEI programs at Florida’s public colleges

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a bill into law Monday barring the state’s colleges and universities from spending money on diversity, equity and inclusion programs, and limiting how race can be discussed in many courses.

The move comes amid a larger conservative attack on higher education DEI programs, which DeSantis and others say reinforce racial divisions and promote liberal orthodoxy. Supporters of the programs say they are critical to serving the nation’s increasingly diverse student populations.

“If you look at the way this has actually been implemented across the country, DEI is better viewed as standing for discrimination, exclusion and indoctrination,” DeSantis said at a news conference at New College of Florida in Sarasota. “And that has no place in our public institutions. This bill says the whole experiment with DEI is coming to an end in the state of Florida.”

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